dormant account

Dormant accounts, containing unclaimed funds, pose a challenge for both financial institutions and regulators. These accounts tie up resources, create compliance complexities, and ultimately represent a loss of potential economic activity. In summary, publishing these lists is a regulatory obligation, however, they do not specify how to publish and manage these lists effectively.

In 2021, 


of adults worldwide had an account with a bank or other financial institution,

of which up to


of accounts were dormant.

Examples of some countries:
     • Singapore 300 million USD (3 largest banks)
     • California 9 billion USD
     • UK 15 billion Pounds
     • India 26 billion Rupees

WIOLP supports a wide range of asset types, including savings, checking, fixed deposits, unclaimed dividends, insurance policies, retirement funds, cryptocurrency, and even real estate with unknown owners. It is therefore suitable for all types of financial institutions as well as for government organizations worldwide.